14 Days Money Back Guarantee

We don’t think you will need it. But just in case, every subscription comes with a 100 % money back guarantee. We are not only confident that Slooply offers a service which is the very best in the music industry, but also we think that it will cover your every need. We want to bring you satisfaction and make sure that you always feel safe and sound. That is why we back every subscription up, with a 100 % money back guarantee (14-days from purchasing).

We do not refund due to you forgetting to downgrade your monthly subscription on time. This results in you being billed for one more month or year. The 100 % money back guarantee is only valid for the first 14 days of purchasing your subscription.

What is money back guarantee?

If your subscription that you bought at slooply.com is not working and our teams of legendary support cannot solve your problem, we will give you back your money.

How does it work?

If within 14 days after the purchase of your subscription, you experience technical problems or subscription-breaking bugs that prevent you from downloading sounds or sample packs, contact our customer support via [email protected] They will do their best to help you fix the problem and if, at the end of their attempts to solve the problem your subscription is still not working, we’ll give you back your money. When accepted we will credit the card you paid with, minus any applicable transaction costs. Please allow up to 2 weeks for us to process your request. We do not refund if you have downloaded more then 10 sounds.

When do I get my money back?

The time between us issuing a refund, and you getting your money back, can vary depending on your payment method:

  • If you paid with a Visa or MasterCard, you will get the money back on your bank account within a few business days.
  • If you paid via PayPal, the time needed to process your refund will vary, depending on the kind of payment you used (PayPal balance, or through your bank account, or your debit or credit card linked to your account). As soon as we issue the refund, you will receive an email from PayPal, which will contain more details about the process.

Request a refund

If you would like to request a refund, please contact us via [email protected] which will be handled and replied by our support staff.
